Save Lives By Donating Today

Make a "R" Donation

Donate Food

A gift promoting kindness, compassion and protection will enable us to help animals throughout the year and years ahead. Please consider one of the options below. Donations qualify for a section 18A tax certificate! A reminder that the Roodepoort SPCA does not recieve and never has recieved government funding. The income from the Municipality is payment for services rendered, not a grant.
Any donation is welcome, no matter how big or small. Every cent raised goes towards supporting our cause and protecting the rights of animals in our community.
Items we always need for the animals in our care:
- Blankets (Storm blankets)
- Towels
- Collars leads and bowls
- Cat and dog toys
- Cat and dog dry food
- Cat and dog tin food
- Livestock bales of fodder
Donation Options
SnapScan Code
You can get the app from smart phone’s app store here:
Click here for more information about SnapScan.
My School
We remind everyone that there is no cost EVER to holder of a MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card. The Roodepoort SPCA confirms that we recieve valued income every month and with your help, we can surely boost this. It is now easier than ever to get your own card by using the app and applying for a virtual card which is issued immediately. Simply associate your card with the Roodepoort SPCA and use it where ever the card is accepted.
You can also apply for a physical card here:
Don’t have a card? Get a free virtual one by downloading the app.
Click here for more information about MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet.
All Woolworths Store Cards and Rewards Cards are supported without the need for an additional card. You can use your Woolworths or MySchool at any of the participating retailers. Up to 5% of what was spent is donated to the nominated beneficiary on your behalf.
Remember the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA in your Will
If you are concerned for the future of all animals in our country one of the easiest ways to ensure that animals are protected in years to come is to include the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCAs as a beneficiary in your Will.
A Will may be the most important personal document you will ever have drawn up and signed.
If you are considering placing us in your will then you like us believe that no animal should ever have to be submitted to any form of suffering. All living creatures are sentient beings they feel pain, feel love, feel loss, they feel pain. Man made himself the superior being therefore it is our responsibility to protect all creatures.
By adding the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA in your will, long after you are gone, your voice will still be heard fighting for so many who’s voice can’t be heard.
A bequest can be;
A gift of money or property which is to be left to the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA after your death.
A specific sum of money. Specific items such as real estate, motor vehicles, antiques, artworks, jewellery, etc. may be bequeathed to the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA.
A percentage of your estate.
The residue of your estate. You can bequeath the whole of the residue, or a percentage of it.
A life insurance policy can be ceded to the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA. Or you can take out a new policy naming us as the beneficiary.
Bankers, accountants, attorneys, and financial consultants are skilled in drawing up Wills.
It is very important that in your will you clearly identify the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA as a beneficiary.
In your will you may request how your money is spent, either our kennels, Inspectorate Department, sterilisation programme, Veterinary treatment or the general day to day running of the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA. Animals will benefit no matter which department you choose.
Even after you are gone. Together, we can make a difference in so many animals lives.
Direct Deposits
You can also deposit into our bank account directly.
Our banking details are:
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Holder: SPCA Roodepoort
Branch: Clearwater
Branch Code: 001206
Account Number: 410411094
Please send POP ( so we can reconcile the income and send a message of thanks.
Kennel Sponsorship
Kennel sponsorship for a dog kennel or cat kennel. Your choice which kennel you would like to support. Please email the manager for full details. The cost is R250.00 per month. Again, this carries tax benefits. Why not visit our kennels and see for yourself how it works for the benefit of animals in our care? Local businesses are more than welcome to sponsor a kennel or kennels. It would be wonderful to be able to say that every kennel was sponsored thanks to a community who supports and cares for the animals in our care.
Sponsor an Office Cat
Often cats are dumped outside the SPCA gates, these cats join our resident cats and the SPCA becomes their forever home. They are sterilized vaccinated and dewormed. By sponsoring one of our office cats, you are ensuring their future is secure at the SPCA and they have a home. You can sponsor financially or bring them food, toys, cat nip any of the many novelties that cats enjoy.