How to Help
Ways you can support and help the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA
You too can be the voice of so many voiceless animals.
By nominating the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA as your chosen beneficiary on your “My School Card”, every time you swipe your “My School Card” at Woolworths or any participating store you will be helping an animal in need. It cost you nothing.
Small change for a big change
Everyone has small change but not much can be bought with it, it takes up space in your purse, it is dirty, the simplest solution is to pop it into a SPCA donation tin.
We supply collection tins to all retail outlets, restaurants, supermarkets, clothing stores. Why not keep one of our collection tins on your counter?
If you would like to give us your small change to make a big change, please email
The Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA will deliver a tin and when full we will collect and swop it for new tin.
Special Occasions wall plaques for that someone special
Donate to the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA of R500 or more in lieu of a gift for someone special. We will place a beautifully personalized plaque on our Wall of Memories.
Sponsor a kennel
At any given time, the Roodepoort Krugersdorp SPCA has over 100 puppies, adult dogs and over 50 kittens and cats in our care.
The day to day needs of a dog or puppy costs the SPCA an estimated R200 a day and an estimated R100 for a cat or kitten. This excludes any veterinary medication.
Sponsoring a kennel every month for as little as R250.00 will help us feed and care for the kennel occupant until they are homed.
Section 18(a) Tax Certificate
Tax Certificates can be issued for donations. Please send your request to with proof of donation attached to your e-mail as well as your name and contact details (Name, physical or postal address) this is a SARS requirement.
Ways to Help
Other ways you can help the SPCA